Yumo Tours, Ethiopia

Yumo Tours Ethiopia

Specialist Ethiopian ground tour operators

Celebrating 40 Years of Yumo Tours

The original Ethiopian tour operator, since 1978.


The wild rose, the fern, the lantana, and the honeysuckle, smiled round a succession of highly cultivated terraces, and on every...


Harar is a famous, walled, Muslim City, forbidden “to the French and other infidels.”

Harar rose as a power centre in 1520 when a local amir, Abu Bekr Mahomed moved his capital here from Dakar. The amir was murdered by …


“The eighth wonder of the world”, Lalibela is the “New Jerusalem” built by King Lalibela “with the help of...

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Solar eclipse image over Lalibela

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It has been suggested that today’s eclipse over Ethiopia may herald the beginning of a new dawn and a new golden age.…

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Coronavirus pandemic

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Whilst we are very fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the world, we are affected by the coronavirus pandemic like everyone...

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Maqdala 150th Anniversary 2018

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This year marks 150 years since the siege of Maqdala in 1868. Maqdala was a nearly impregnable mountain fortress, a natural military...

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UNESCO World Heritage Sites

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Ethiopian UNESCO World Heritage sites.

What our customers say

“ Ethiopia was one of the most interesting experiences I have ever had.  The range of places we visited was quite amazing and our guide, Dawood Nazerali, made sure we saw all the historical sights in chronological order which helped …

Janice Orchard

If you want to visit Ethiopia – and you should visit because it is an extraordinary country with a long, rich history – you cannot do better than to go with Yumo Tours and Dawood Nazerali as your guide. I …

Judith Geduldig

I had an excellent comprehensive trip to Northern Ethiopia earlier this year, and was very impressed by the efficiency and organisation of Yumo Tours and the very knowledgeable tour manager Dawood.  I highly recommend them.

Jean Cassidy 2014…

Jean Cassidy

I have lead tours organised by a number of ground agencies in Ethiopia, but none of these approach the expertise and professionalism of Yumo.  The Yumo team and, in particular, my colleague, Dawood Nazerali really understand the complex needs of …

Dr Richard Marsh

I did the Historical Tour with Yumo in 2012. I couldn’t fault it. Tour manager Dawood was extremely well organised, knowledgeable, and he went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure the group had a memorable time. …

Catherine Newman